Keith Crawford, MD, PhD, PHEN Director of Clinical Trials and Patient Education
Dr. Keith Crawford, PHEN’s Director of Clinical Trials and Patient Education, presented at the 20th Annual African American Prostate Cancer Disparity Summit on early detection screening guidelines. In particular, he mentioned how prostate cancer cases are predicted to double by 2040. Worldwide deaths from prostate cancer will also rise from 375,000 in 2020 to 700,000 by 2040, according to The Lancet Commissions.
“The number of prostate cancer cases diagnosed each year declined sharply from 2007 to 2014,” stated Dr. Crawford. “Because of policy changes in screening, since 2014, the incident rate has increased by 3% a year overall and by 5% a year for advanced prostate cancer cases.”
Furthermore, Dr. Crawford outlined how when prostate cancer is detected early, 10-year survival rates for patients are above 95%. However, when the cancer has metastasized, that 10-year survival rate drops below 20%. The data presented here shows why early detection screening for prostate cancer is a significant priority.
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