Empowering You to Personalize Your Prostate Cancer Care

A Fireside Chat With Johnson & Johnson’s Ms. Jodi Bass and PHEN’s Dr. Keith Crawford

On Wednesday, October 9, 2024, PHEN held a hybrid Managing Prostate Cancer Survivorship Meeting via Zoom and in-person at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. The webinar involved a discussion between PHEN’s Director of Clinical Trials and Patient Education Dr. Keith Crawford and Johnson & Johnson’s Senior Director/US Oncology of Precision Medicine Ms. Jodi Bass.

The main topic of discussion was precision medicine and PHEN’s latest online portal (PHENPM.com) about precision medicine for prostate cancer patients. Dr. Crawford began by discussing how genetics and limited clinical trial representation among Black men may be factors in the higher risk of prostate cancer in this population. He went on to explain ways to improve access to genetic testing and precision medicine.

Dr. Crawford reviewed PHEN’s new precision medicine portal, showcasing its various components. Ms. Jodi Bass also discussed precision medicine based on her expertise in oncology and personalized healthcare.

“The future of cancer care is personal. The future of cancer care is targeted,” said Ms. Bass at the Managing Prostate Cancer Survivorship Meeting. “Precision medicine is transforming so many outcomes in cancer, but especially in prostate cancer… I think this website is fabulous. The resources embedded here are excellent, thorough, and understandable.”

The webinar panelists also released a survey for attendees. The survey results show that 100% of the audience was satisfied with the webinar and the PHENPM.com launch. Further, 94% of survey takers rated the precision medicine and prostate cancer care discussion as “very good” while 55% said they were only “somewhat” familiar with precision medicine in prostate cancer treatment. Lastly, 97% of poll takers believe the PHENPM portal will help them understand precision medicine for personalized prostate cancer treatment and 100% believe precision medicine can improve prostate cancer treatment outcomes.


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