Managing Prostate Cancer Survivorship – April

Presenters: SOFIE Co. Medical Advisor Dr. Robert Bridwell, PHEN Ambassador Dr. James Smith, PHEN Director of Clinical Trials and Patient Education Dr. Keith Crawford, and prostate cancer survivor Mr. Llew Fambles.


On April 10, 2024, PHEN hosted a Managing Prostate Cancer Survivorship program both via Zoom and in-person at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Dr. Crawford introduced the session, welcomed the audience, and began a presentation describing PSA, PSMA (Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen), targeted therapy, and the benefits of PSMA PET/CT scans. Further, he explained how PSMA-RLT (radioligand therapy) can be applied for diagnosis, prognosis, and management of patients’ clinical needs. Dr. Bridwell presented on the PSMA PET/CT scan and how it can effectively monitor recurrent prostate cancer. He described how this imaging system has led to changes in treatment intent and clinical management plans for many subjects in clinical studies.


Mr. Llew Fambles shared his story as a prostate cancer survivor. He was first diagnosed with a slow-growing prostate cancer in February 2019 and began a watchful waiting or active surveillance approach. By 2023, his PSA level rose again, and his cancer had become more aggressive. Since his prostate became enlarged, he chose to undergo robotic surgery in September 2023 to remove his prostate.


Lastly, Dr. Crawford outlined the LORIKEET study and the AMG509 clinical trial. To conclude the webinar, the audience answered several poll questions. In total, 96% of the attendees were satisfied with the meeting and presentations, and 88% rated the speakers as ‘very good.’ Also, 83% now understand how the PSMA PET scan can help track and manage prostate cancer treatment. Most importantly, 97% of attendees understand the value of continual PSA screening to manage survivorship.


#ProstateCancer #ProstateCancerAwareness #ClinicalResearch #ClinicalTrials #CancerTrials #ProstateCancerSurvivors #Survivorship #CancerSurvivors #PSMA #PSA #PETscan #CTscan #ClinicalManagement #DanaFarber

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