Prostate Cancer Survivor Emphasizes Life-Saving Early Detection Screening

Prostate Cancer early detection screening saves lives, I know, I am Dale Landry, a four-year survivor, encouraging you to know your prostate health. Visit for lifesaving information.”


As part of the Florida Prostate Cancer Disparity Rally, Mr. Dale Landry, CEO of Village Architects, Inc., recorded a prostate cancer awareness message to play on radio airwaves in Tallahassee, FL.

“Prostate cancer early detection screening saves lives,” explained Mr. Landry. “I know. I am Dale Landry, a four-year survivor, encouraging you to know your prostate health. Visit for lifesaving information.”

Listen to Mr. Landry’s empowering message below.

#Tallahassee #ProstateCancer #ProstateCancerAwareness #ProstateCancerDisparity #DisparityRally #EarlyDetection #ProstateCancerScreening #EarlyDetectionScreening #BlackHealthcare #ProstateHealth #MensHealth #Cancer #Prostate


Dale R. Landry is the CEO of Village Architects, Inc., a consortium of multi-disciplinary professionals who work with communities to overcome the challenges of community-based crime. As a consultant on Restorative Community Justice, he has worked on several national and state initiatives, specifically the Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and National Institute of Corrections, and the National Balanced and Restorative Justice (BARJ) Project. He led the development and implementation of the Florida DJJ Neighborhood Accountability Board Training and Technical Assistance Program through the Florida Atlantic University.

Dales’ area of expertise is in developing community capacity and strategies to overcome crime by adopting and implementing community and restorative justice philosophy and practices. Dale has more than 46 years of experience in the criminal justice system, including 21 years in the US Army Military Police and 26 years in the civilian sector in which he spent more than 20 years working on restorative justice programs. He has served in various capacities including patrol, criminal investigations, juvenile delinquency, domestic violence, and child abuse behavioral units.

His continued service includes international/national, state, and local community efforts in building community capacity to overcome crime-related problems. He has served as Chair, Co-chair, and member of the International Victim-Offender Mediation Association (VOMA) Board of Directors (2000-2007), 2nd Vice President, and chaired both the Criminal and Juvenile Justice Committee and State Legislative Affairs Committee in the Florida State Conference (FSC) NAACP.

Dale has an A.S. degree in law enforcement technology, a B.S. degree in management, and a master’s degree in social work. He has received specialized training in Restorative Justice, Domestic Violence Intervention, Juvenile Delinquency and Gang Violence, and certification as a Restorative Justice Trainer.

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