“This is serious business, don’t take it for granted. Folks are dying around you from this disease, in your neighborhood, in your family, in your churches. Let’s get on board and move forward with being tested. For lifesaving information about early detection screening, please visit PHENPSA.com.”
Rev. George Alen Hardy is a father, husband, pastor, episcopal leader, business owner, and, most importantly, a man of God. Pastor Hardy is an advocate for the homeless, elderly, and those who were incarcerated in addition to education. He has worked tirelessly to help provide funding, locations, and guidance for both early education childcare centers and elementary schools. In October 2006, he was assigned to Saint John A.M.E. Church of Pompano Beach, (Collier City) Florida.
In 2011, Rev. Hardy was relocated to Mt. Zion African Methodist Episcopal Church in Oakland Park, Florida. Under his pastoral leadership, the church membership had grown to more than 125 active members. That growth made it necessary for the church to expand its sanctuary. In February 2011, Rev. Hardy held ground-breaking services for the new edifice.
He was officially appointed Pastor of Mt. Zion AME Church of Oakland Park in April 2011. He quickly assessed the growth potential and financial status and implemented an aggressive plan to coordinate talents of the membership. He increased the potential for finances by connecting the church with the community and local government.
Rev. Hardy has a Bachelor of Science degree in engineering from the Mississippi Industrial College in Holly Springs, Mississippi. He also obtained a Bachelor of Theology degree from the Vision International University and a master’s degree from Trinity Theological Seminary.
Currently, Reverend George Alen Hardy serves as the 11th Episcopal District Coordinator for the Sons of Allen.