Waseem Hussain, MD discusses the Incorporation of the PHEN Early Detection Screening Program In Luminis Healthcare System

In this video, Waseem Hussain, MD, Associate Regional Medical Director of Primary Care at the Luminis Healthcare System, explains how his organization leverages the power of their electronic medical record by implementing patient alerts. His organization has adopted PHENPSA recommendations for high-risk groups to ensure certain patient populations receive a PSA test. Essentially, doctors will receive an alert when a person at high risk of prostate cancer needs a PSA test. The hope is that this will increase prostate cancer screening rates.


#PSA #PSATests #ProstateCancer #ProstateCancerAwareness #ProstateCancerScreening #CancerScreening #EarlyDetection #EarlyDiagnosis #Luminis #ElectronicMedicalRecords #PatientAlerts

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