Prostate Cancer Educational Videos
Home Channels
Annual Summits
Church Partnerships
Video programs about PHEN and their Church Partnerships aimed at educating and mobilizing communities in the fight against prostate cancer. Faith and community are important factors when coping with prostate cancer.
Clinical Trials
“Daddy’s Boys – Coming Together” tells the story of a widowed father and his sons coming together through fractured relationships when faced with prostate cancer. This entertaining to educate show began as a play and grew into a short mini-series filled with relatable characters.
Daddy's Boys Episodes
Webinars providing important information about prostate cancer clinical trials. Videos include information on specific clinical trials as well as terminology and how to access a clinical trial.
Disparity Rallies
Early Detection
Webinars and discussions about prostate cancer early detection and screening given by prestigious doctors across the United States.
The Rally Against Prostate Cancer (RAP Cancer) is a PHEN initiative that addresses the African American prostate cancer disparity. We use a network of survivors, doctors, government officials and health care organizations to eliminate the prostate cancer health disparity.
Survivors / Caregivers
Prostate Cancer webinars and vital information for african american men concerning treatments.
Managing Survivorship
Patient Education Portals
About PHEN
Cancer Screening
Reverend Dr. Patrick Daymond Speaks Out on the Prostate Cancer Disparity
3 months ago
Rev. Dr. Reginald Williams, Jr. Emphasizes Early Detection Screening for Prostate Cancer
3 months ago
Mr. Stan Branson
9 months ago
Importance of Early Detection Screening with Dr. Keith Crawford
2 years ago
Charles and Billy Boy reflect on their family history with prostate cancer and commit to increase their efforts as PHEN ambassadors.
2 years ago
Barbershop Scene
3 years ago
Genetic testing results, early detection and the return of Loretta (Episode 8)
3 years ago
How Prostate Cancer Early Detection Can Save Your Life with Dr. Kelvin Moses
4 years ago
How COVID-19 is Impacting Prostate Cancer Early Detection and Treatment with Dr. Jacques Carter, Dr. Andrew Armstrong, and Dr. Adam Kibel
4 years ago
Introduction of Prostate Cancer Early Detection Update with Mr. Anthony Lee
6 years ago
Prostate Cancer Screening in Black America – A Responsible Approach with Dr. Walter Rayford
7 years ago
Prostate Cancer Early Detection – The Next Chapter with Dr. Ruth Etzioni
8 years ago
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Annual 2024 Summit
Church Partnerships
Clinical Trials
Daddy’s Boys Episodes
Early Detection
Disparity Rally
Chicago Disparity Rally
Florida Disparity Rally
Survivors and Caregivers
Webinar Series (2024) Monthly
Upcoming Events
(click event to register)
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