Financial Barriers to Prostate Cancer Diagnosis: The Rising Impact of Out-of-Pocket Costs

Arnav Srivastava, MD, PhD, Urologic Oncology, The University of Michigan

Presentation Slides: 2024.09.04 – PHEN Talk v01


Arnav Srivastava, MD. PhD, Urological Oncologist at The University of Michigan, discussed the out-of-pocket costs patients face after an abnormal PSA test during PHEN’s 2024 Prostate Cancer Disparity Summit. The next step after an abnormal prostate cancer screening is a biopsy and/or an MRI, explained Dr. Srivastava. This is when the medical costs start to affect patients, which can grow as high as $600. He delved into the “financial toxicity” behind cancer care.

“Patients who are diagnosed with cancer – they not only have to fight the disease they’ve been diagnosed with, but healthcare is very expensive for them,” described Dr. Srivastava. “We’re showing that patients are experiencing these cost burdens even before they’ve gotten a diagnosis of prostate cancer.”

Lastly, this presentation discusses solutions to these financial barriers for patients, such as improved policy and insurance design.

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