How Exercise Impacts Prostate Cancer Survivorship

Lifestyle changes like physical fitness activities can make a significant difference for prostate cancer patients. On May 8th, PHEN and the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute hosted a Managing Survivorship Meeting for prostate cancer patients emphasizing the importance of exercise.

PHEN Director of Clinical Trials and Patient Education Dr. Keith Crawford and Dana-Farber Instructor Dr. Dong-Woo Kang outlined clinical trials focused on exercise and explained the numerous ways physical fitness can improve survival among prostate cancer patients.  In fact, patients can slow down cancer progression, reduce side effects, and improve treatment outcomes with moderate exercise.

Speakers: Dr. Keith Crawford, PHEN Director of Clinical Trials and Patient Education, Dr. Dong-Woo Kang, Instructor at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, PHEN Ambassador Dr. James Smith, and prostate cancer survivor Mr. William Thompson.

#ProstateCancer #ProstateCancerAwareness #Cancer #Prostate #MensHealth #Fitness #Exercise #PhysicalActivities #PhysicalFitness #Diet #VeganDiet #CancerTrials #ClinicalTrials #ProstateCancerSurvivors #DanaFarber #CastrationResistantProstateCancer

3 responses to “How Exercise Impacts Prostate Cancer Survivorship”

  1. Dalton N.Charley

    I have been having prostate cancer issues over the past five years. I have close relationships with my Doctor. I have been following his instructions over the years. I have also been trying generics prescriptions, however not sure of there effectiveness. Recently I have seen Dr. Ozer name pops up as the Curer for this issue.Not sure who to trust,Can you help with a true healer,?

  2. Guyteau Modestile

    What kind exercise please

  3. B y

    We been rehabilitation thru sports and excerise/ for 30 years it works

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